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Thoughts on Carbs ...

Look, carbs aren't all bad.  Despite what we've heard from the low-carb industry and certain "academics," carbs are mostly beneficial. 

Yes, in general, we eat too many of them.  Yes, in general, we eat the wrong types of them.  But the flip-side of that coin is, if we aren't eating carbs, we aren't getting the nutrients we need to (among other things):

  • Fuel our body during intense activity (GPP).
  • Provide our body with vital nutrients (vitamins and minerals).
  • Provide our body with fiber it needs for Optimal Health.

All of these aren't just important.  They are CRITICAL to our health.  Let's not go over-looking the importance of carbs in exchange for the nutritional fad du jour. 

What kind of carbs should we be eating?  

Mostly natural ones.

We suggest eating carbs which are still in their most wild & natural states.  If it still looks the same as it did when it came out of the ground (bush, vine, tree, etc.) - eat it.  It is probably good for you.  Especially if it comes from your region.  Especially if it was grown without modern synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers.  Especially if it wasn't processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.  Especially if you eat it during the time of year it became ripe.  Especially if you need to do very little processing (cooking) to make it edible.  Get what we mean?  

How do we know if something is a carb?  Simple, if it is a food we can eat, and it isn't a protein, fat or alcohol - it's probably a carb.  

I heard we shouldn't eat bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, cashews, (etc.) ...

 C'mon.  Really?  

We are criminalizing bananas, potatoes and other natural foods now?  In a world where people are downing (by the ton) highly processed sugars, cheese burgers and other delights which don't remotely resemble natural food, low-carb "food experts" choose to criminalize these? 

That's mostly stupid. 

If a low-carb "food expert" were to peer into my kitchen on Super Bowl Sunday, bet they'd jump at the thought of feeding me a banana.   

There can be no doubt that we should place limits on certain foods.  All things in moderation.  What is more important is how a food is grown & prepared.  Remember "natural."  When a food is prepared in a way where it doesn't resemble - well, FOOD - it loses most of it's beneficial nutrients. 

The professional low-carb foodies of the world can argue all they want about the academics of eating, and preparing natural foods.  We will leave them to it.  They can grandstand and peacock all they want.  The preparation and consumption of natural foods (as we describe above) is not America's problem.  It has more to do with the fact that we aren't eating natural foods - at all, for the most part.       

Eat your carbohydrates.  They are good for you.  They are critical to your health and the health of your family. 

As you do, prepare to forge ahead through the shouts of the low-carb industry and of certain academics.  They'll keep hollering about how eating carbs is terrible for us for another couple of years, or so.  Then, the fad will be over.  We'll all have another thing (according to them) to worry about. 

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Eat Real Food

The third edict of our Nutritional Recommendation is to "Eat Real Food." 

Many of you have wondered what our definition of "Real Food" is.  Below are our rules for eating real food.  We challenge you to eat only from these suggestions for 8 days.  Not 8 cumulative days cherry picked from a year, or so of happenstance eating.  8 days straight!  The health and energy (not to mention clarity of mind and soul) you'll feel at then end of 8 days will be astounding.  It'll be a great jump start to healthy, positive eating. 


  • Eat Foods in Their Most Natural, Unmodified State.
    • Uncooked, less-cooking is better.
    • Non- processed (read labels, if it has multiple ingredients it is more processed)
  • Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts & Seeds
    • Locally grown
    • Organic
    • Whole
    • Unsweetened
  • Local Meats (Pork, Beef & Chicken) & Seafood (Wild Caught)
  • Dairy Products
    • Milk
    • Yogurt
    • Eggs
    • Cheese
  • 100% Whole Grain Products
    • All natural ingredients
  • Occasionals:
    • Honey
    • Pure maple syrup
  • Beverages
    • Water
    • Milk
    • 100% juices (may be diluted)
    • Coffee (in moderation)
    • Tea (in moderation)
    • Wine (in moderation)
    • Beer (in moderation)
    • Spirits (in moderation)

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Bacon = Bad?

Which is better for you?  

A) Two strips of bacon
B) Half a bagel
C) A bowl of Rice Crispies 

Those who answered B or C are what we like to call WRONG.  Besides having fewer calories (bacon - 84, half bagel - 135, Rice Crispies - 126) bacon will not spike blood sugar.  Scientists at Harvard took another look at bacon and its potential for causing heart disease.  Their findings?  Zip.  Nothing.  After reviewing 21 studies they concluded bacon does not contribute to heart disease.  Heredity, hypertension, injury to the arteries, smoking and inflammation are the major culprits.  
