2 rounds for time:

75 situps
75 back extensions 
75 squats
1 mile run (1600m row for alt)

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras - Do it thrice! 

Workout Notes:


It's going to be a rough week. Longer workouts. Expect workouts that will span an entire 45 minutes with an option for more (daily extras), every day this week. We need this. 

It's been a LONG summer. Summer is the time of year that leads to weight gain and poor health habits. Seems like it wouldn't be. Seems like summer would be the time of year when we are all most active and we eat lighter. Nope. It's trickery. Summer is the time of year when we become distracted from our health and fitness the most. It is the time of year we justify our lack of working out and eating like crap in the name of - "I'm active. I'm eating light. PLUS I'm going to get back to the gym in September and THEN everything will be fine." 

Problem is, many don't - EVER! 

People are like elk. We have an instinct to fatten up during the summer so we can survive a long winter season. This is true no matter which parallel you live at. 

So, let's use this week as kick start to healthier winter season - the season where we start to show our weight gain. 

Workouts will be longer this week, but they will be more cardio based. I will do my best to program workouts that, although longer, will be lighter and will cause less soreness. You'll be tired mid-week, but not miserably so. Even so, rookies still need to be careful. All the running, jumping and rowing will add up. Plus if you're not specifically conditioned for it, it can still hurt. Scale appropriately.

Last thing, we've learned that there are 3 things that are primarily responsible for your healthy success. First, you need awesome programming. Next you need adequate facilities. Last, but not least, you need a community of like-minded people for support. 

We have that community - in SPADES! If you've never commented on the post (below), do it this week! It's time. We'd all love to hear from you. Support given, is as necessary as support received. It doesn't have to be much, maybe just a "Howdy from Kalamazoo!" You could also post your workout results. That helps you as much as it helps us. Then you could share some thoughts if you have them. This is YOUR community too. Participate in the comments on ANY level you think would help & support your own efforts and/or the community. We welcome you here. 

Since it IS Solidaridad week, we ask you to consider offering your help and support all across this great community of terrific folk this week. Solidaridad week was a thought given to us by our friend Antonio in Merida, Mexico. Since there are so many of us who do these workouts (The workout we do here in Bountiful is the VERY SAME workout they do in Mexico, California, Oklahoma and North West Arkansas) together. He (and I) thought it'd be fun if we checked in on each other's sites. If you have the time and can swing it, please drop a comment on one of the other GPP affiliates' sites. I'll list them below. Just giving a "howdy" is sometimes all it takes to have an impact on another's health. 

Onelife (GPP Mexico)
Animal House Fitness (GPP Durham, CA) 

GPP HQ is closed today for Labor Day. 

Beth gets some love from the DBs after Core Complexes , so she gives some back!